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Track down your scammed crypto

Our experts will track your stolen crypto and attempt to link the scammer to a real world entity.
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24 hr support response time
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Personalized guidance on next recovery steps
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Our mission

Combatting sophisticated scammers

Ransomware and crypto scams are becoming more common, and bad actors are using innovative techniques to obfuscate their trail and to hide from law enforcement. The ever increasing sophistication of scammers is a challenge for local law enforcement who don't have the training of funding to properly investigate crimes on the blockchain.
Law enforcement are likely to never pursue the case without a clear understanding of what took place and a real-world-entity to pursue.
Tracing the scammer can be done by our team of investigators who will work to link the scammer with a real-world-entity and formulate reports to assist law enforcement.

Higher Solve Rate

Track cryptocurrency scams, disrupt criminal operations, and help law enforcement recover your funds.

Accelerate Your Case

Accelerate your investigation with visuals and data - proven blockchain analysis and extensive event reporting.

Build Your Case

Provide evidence gathered through blockchain analysis for use in criminal and civil legal cases.

Working for a safer future on the blockchain

Our team of investigators work around the clock to empower scam victims along the path to recovery.

"Tsutomu Shimomura have made it their business to help people recover their lost cryptocurrency."

Dean Takahashi
Lead Writer, VentureBeat
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